Contact information

First name

Enter a first name

Last name

Enter a last name


Enter a phone number

Phone type
Email address

Enter a valid email address

Email type



Enter an address

Apartment, suite, etc. (optional)

Enter a city


Enter a country


Enter a state

ZIP code

Enter a zip


Homeowner Name (if different than above)

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Please choose your location

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What type of dwelling do you live in?

Enter a response

Best Time to contact

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Does a U.S. veteran live in the home?

Enter a response

Homeowner Date of Birth

Enter a response

Describe the problem you would like to have repaired:

Enter a response

Total number of persons in the household

Enter a response

Number of children (under age 18)

Enter a response

Number of adults

Enter a response

Number of working adults in the household

Enter a response

Names of adult members of the household

Enter a response

Income sources for adults in the household

Enter a response

Is the homeowner 62 years of age or older?

Enter a response

Names and ages of children in the household

Enter a response

Estimated Household Annual Income (You will need to provide documentation at a later date)

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What would it mean to you and your family to have these critical home repairs completed?

Enter a response

Does anyone in the household have a disability? If YES, please describe.

Enter a response

Race of Head of Household: (select all that apply)

Enter a response

Ethnicity of Head of Household:

Enter a response

Any additional information that you would like Habitat to know regarding this application

Enter a response

You are required to submit ALL of the documents listed below, via e-mail or US Mail. Please select all documents you have submitted. NOTE: Application will NOT be processed unless ALL documents are received.

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